Do You Need Medical Insurance Living Abroad?

A stethoscope by a Credit cards payment

The Christmas Holiday reminds me of how I spent one memorable Holiday abroad. After falling off a sidewalk in Bangkok while looking for a spa (if you’ve been to #Bangkok you know how easy it is to fall, get hit by a motorbike,etc). Great city. A bit crazy. it happened the night before I was flying to #Vietnam, a place I lived for a bit so I asked my #expat friends for recommendations, and after checking into my hotel, went to a Western clinic for emergency care. Turns out I fractured my elbow. The pain was unimaginable. Luckily I had purchased travel medical insurance, so I was fairly confident it would all be reimbursed.⠀

Always purchase Medical Insurance. ⠀

In my constant research for all things Living A Global Lifestyle, I often read posts where people are #traveling or moving #abroad and either doesn’t think about medical insurance or don’t want to purchase it. ⠀

When Living outside your home country, medical insurance is a must. A non negotiable. Live anywhere long enough and chances are you will have to visit a doctor. ⠀

If you are Living Abroad, make sure you have a #Global Insurance plan that covers you locally in your home country and in your host country. Make sure this plan also covers evacuation in case you need to be airlifted to another country and repatriation of remains if you should die in a foreign country.⠀

A Bonus Tip – Foreign Nationals traveling to the United States should always, always purchase medical insurance as an emergency room stay or inpatient stay in the U.S. can cost thousands of dollars. ⠀

Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!